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Book Trailer Blitz and the Beach

Young adult author, Tamara Hart Heiner has a book trailer out for her novel ALTERCATION. Thought I'd share it. It's super short. Only 43 seconds. Hope you'll check it out.

Book summaryIn this sequel to Heiner's debut novel, PERILOUS, the FBI promises Jacinta Rivera and her friends that they are safe. Jaci wants desperately to believe them but weeks of hiding from their kidnapper, alias "The Hand", have left her wary. Hidden from the public eye in an FBI safe house, Jaci must reconcile both her father's mysterious disappearance and the murder of her best friend. 

A betrayal lands Jaci back in the grasp of The Hand, shattering her ability to trust, and leaving her to wonder if she will ever piece together her broken life.

You can purchase ALTERCATION here for $4.99.

My kids start school today. It's crazy how quickly time flies. I have one in high school, one in junior high, and one in grade school. They are actually looking forward to going back (well, except my youngest, he'd rather not do the work). 

We are settling into our new home. It's a blast being so close to the beach. Here's some pics I've taken. Hope you enjoy them. Have an amazing Wednesday!


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