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well this is random....PR exec steals Dali painting...

This really is a crazy one.

Right so a fashion PR head decided to steal a Dali painting in order to expose the relaxed security surrounding the painting.....interested? well so was I.....

Here is what went down....

Phivos Lampros Istavrioglou literally sauntered into the  gallery. He slipped the painting into a shopping bag and walked out. He then decided to post the painting back to them and that was when police lifted fingerprints and caught him. Turns out he has a record for stealing - although the last item he stole was a steak so yeah, not as impressive!

So what is the fashion angle to this madness?

Phivos Lampros Istavrioglou (I have to use his full name because its impressive) works for Moncler as a PR executive and was nabbed getting off a flight from New York. No word on what painting it was but he's lost his job anyways!

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