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I'm back!

Hi Lovlies! Remember me? I took a wonderful vacation to the distant (at least for me) lands of Japan and Taiwan. I absolutely loved my time there and three weeks was not nearly enough to explore everything. Thank you to those of you who sent lovely messages asking about my whereabouts. I back home now and just trying to get back into the grove of things. This weekend was the first opportunity since my return that I've gotten to sit down and look through some of the, umm, 6000 photos that I took!

I'm not quite ready to come back to full time blogging. There are things going on in my personal life right now that are keeping me quite distracted. I have actually not even been in my 'polish room' since returning from the trip. Even worse, my nails have been unpainted for over a month. Oh the horror! I won't even mention that I broke almost all of them on the trip and they were looking pretty scary upon my return. I've been trying to give them the Bliss Kiss treatment and get them back in presentable shape...

Now for a few photos from my trip:


Shibuya, one of the world's busiest intersections in Tokyo. Although this was the weekend and I hear it is even busier on weekdays, watching hundreds of people trying to cross the street all at once was quite a sight...

If you squint, you might see Mt. Fuji here. Sadly, although it was a sunny day, the mountain was barely visible in the distant fog...

Also near Mt. Fuji, this is probably one of my favorite photos from the trip...

Japan is just full of gorgeous temples and pagodas!

... and gardens...

This zen garden in Kyoto was one of my favorite places! So peaceful...

The skyline of Osaka...

A bit of nature...

We even got to meet this guy as he came down from the mountain and was just a few meters from us. He was evaluating if he can run down quickly enough and snag something from a bag that a girl had set down. And that is exactly what he did a few moments after I snagged the photo...

Taiwan was equally impressive, but oh so different...

Night markets full of food, food and more food! If it wasn't for the heat killing my appetite, I would have probably gained a ton of weight...

Gorgeous temples which feature more fine details than I could have imagined in one place...

And the nature of Taiwan just won my heart!

For the Frozen lovers out there, this sculpture is made of salt...

One of my favorite souvenirs from Japan are these two nail magazines. They are just packed with creative ideas that send my head spinning and wanting to try everything. I really wish they were available in the US because they blow our magazines out of the water...

That it for now ladies! I'll be back hopefully soon with nail art and reviews!

Thanks for looking!
Anutka :)

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