On Monday, Puri Jagannadh revealed the title Liger for his upcoming directorial venture Liger in which the young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda is playing the lead role. The first look poster of Liger received phenomenal response among his fans and Vijay Deverakonda couldn’t help but send out his love to his fans. As the unlimited love are being showered by his diehard fans, Vijay Deverakonda said that he is ‘happily emotional’.
Arjun Reddy and World Famous Lover fame Vijay Deverakonda took to his Twitter and said, “Yesterday we released the First Look poster of upcoming multilingual movie Liger and the scenes of celebrations moved me. Myself, Puri Jagannadh gaur and the whole team, thanking you all for making Liger First Look such a craze. You just wait for the teaser of Liger, I am guaranteeing Nation wide Madness!.”
The sport based drama Liger which has Ananya Pandey as a leading lady is being directed by Puri Jagannadh and it is going to be a pan India film. The movie is jointly bankrolled by Puri and Charmee Kaur whereas Bollywood producer Karan Johar is going to present it.
On the otherside, Charmee Kaur also shared videos of Vijay Deverakonda’ fans inking themselves with the tattoos of Liger.
My loves
Yesterday you made me emotional, happy emotional :’)
There was a time I worried if anyone would notice the work I did, if people would turn up to the theaters, yesterday we released the First Look poster of #Liger and the scenes of celebrations moved me.. https://t.co/PT2gA9MdDF
— Vijay Deverakonda (@TheDeverakonda) January 19, 2021
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