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Uberchic Beauty Fairytale 02 Stamping Plate - Swatches & Review

It feels like ages since I have had a new Uberchic plate to share with you guys.  It's probably not really that long but if you count it by how many manis I have done between the last plates and these manis then it has been quite some time.  I have been thinking about doing a diary like post so you can see/get an idea of what a nail week looks like for me.  I do get lots of comments about how much I do, so maybe this could be a good insight?  Let me know what you think.  Anyway, getting off track here.  Uberchic have recently released some new plates- woohoo!  They have released Collection 19 (which I have and will be reviewing next week) and the Fairytale 02 Stamping Plate which I have to share with you today.

Image from Uberchic Beauty
When I sat down for this first mani I had zero clue what I was actually going to do.  I randomly opened up one of my polish drawers and saw some Barry M's and pulled out Prickly Pear, Blueberry and Greenberry.  I sponged these one and stamped using Hit The Bottle's Snowed In.  Now you may notice that the images look slightly different on my middle and ring fingers.  I switched stampers mid mani (by accident) and it altered the image slightly.  Who knew that a stamper made that much of a difference.

I couldn't resist this dragon scale image over Grace-full Nail Polish Oober (I'll have more swatches of this polish and the entire In Omnia Paratus Collection on my blog tomorrow).  Stamping polish is from Powder Perfect.

This plate doesn't overly excite me.  Don't get me wrong here, it stamps well and the designs do suit the Fairytale theme quite well but the images aren't really for me.  I do quite like the dragon scale image though.  I think that is quite cool, especially over a multichrome.  What do you think of this plate? 

The Fairytale 02 stamping plate is available now from Uberchic Beauty.

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