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Why the hell is Vetements so expensive? What is expensive and is it worth the rent monies?

I have to admit that Vetements has never really been on my radar.

I think this might be because even the blogs that announce Prada bags as a must have 'to die for' thing call this brand expensive. I, on the other hand, poke fun at handbags that cost more then my rent.

So apparently this is a strategy by the brand to keep regulars from buying their brand and destroying it.

This means the less people can afford it or access it - then the more people want to buy in. Bit mad but this brand is proof that the system works and the system is madness.

But this is the 'IT' label. Showing in Paris for the past four seasons, the brand is under the leadership of Demna Gvasalia. A designer formally attached to Martin Margiela. It has shown deconstructed jeans, oversized clothing and placed club/streetwear into the fashion world spotlight. Apparently the hard to afford, hard to get mentality is part of what makes the brand so 'in'.

You may have spotted that weird DHL staff T-shirt doing the rounds on social media. This is where it comes from. The irony of shoppers paying £185 for a shirt that most DHL staff are forced to wear. I find this the height of not just the funny irony you get at Moschino but the height of insanity and 'please god make it stop-ness'.

First off, the system starts with placing a limit on how much stores can buy of each design. This isn't anything new as a lot of places work like this but this is a low limit. Which means when it sells out, it sells out. Rather unfairly, it comes down on stores in Italy a bit more harshly. They are only allowed four pieces of jersey. What? Why? Stores are only allowed ten pairs of jeans. Really!??!
Apparently the brand CEO reckons that a brand is not luxury if you can walk in and buy what you want. Okay, so to some extent, I get this in terms of price but in terms of stock quantity!? That's madness. Mind you, it clearly works because the brand have 135 different stockists in 4 seasons alone.

The brand also believe in sale being the bottom line from which you can never bounce back. This might be something they change after more then 2 seasons in when they are left with sample stock but who knows!!? Producing less means a higher sell through and the brand announced they have a 70-80% sell through. They also ignored their demands for repeat products by the looks of things.

The factories and suppliers are apparently the reason why the price is so high.

I'm curious now.

I'm going to do a google about this.

Okay, a standard pair of jeans. I don't see anything here that I would mark as 'spectacular' but then, you possibly need to wear them. These jeans are selling for €1,150. FOR JEANS.

Think I'm joking? Have a look here

Point made.

I'm not exactly their target customer though so maybe that is the problem.

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