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So I haven't had that much time for blogging lately. Although if you follow this blog then I guess you already figured that one out.

Things got pretty mental here since January and again if you have been following the blog then you will know how that worked out! I've been throwing myself into work a lot lately by signing up for shoots, shows and showdowns. I've got a 5am start tomorow for work on some zombies which is a prime example of it. I'm glad to have the chance to be so busy and to get as much experience as possible but it's taken its toll on me and other areas of my life.

For example, I didn't realise that it's been six months since I got here. I feel almost as if I just arrived although when I think about it - life is getting easier as I can find my way around now. I still really miss everyone back home but luckily, everyone is on skype and we can catch up whenever we like. I don't know how I would cope without skype. I've neglected the blog a lot lately which feels odd because once upon a time it was my life.

I worked so hard on this thing. I still work really hard on this thing. I post so many times a day and all of that content has to come from somewhere! I don't sit around making things up to talk to you about. I have been struggling since I left fashion college to figure out where my interests in fashion lie. I did think that bothering with fashion was stupid as I had signed up to start my phD in October. I felt bad for caring about superficial stuff when there was so much serious stuff around me.

Recently I've realised that I still love fashion, but my interests in it are changing. I don't care for fast fashion, neon things and insanity like I used to but rather, I'm interested in the ethical and political decisions the brands I like, make. I speak of course about Urban Outfitters and American Apparel who I have long campaigned against due to their political and pervy stances. I need this blog. I need it because there will be times over the next few years as there has been over the past four years where I need an outlet and a place to switch off.

I don't want to feel as if I have to post but I want it to go back to how I used to feel about it. I used to enjoy nights where I sat in and blogged. Now I come home and I go back out again and feel guilty. So last month, I did away with my 5 a day rule. This rule almost killed me and my blog. I was exhausted coming up with concepts for 5 posts a day. Last month was seriously relaxing and I feel great after it.

This doesn't mean I wont be posting. In fact I think with my political phD coming up - its more important then ever that I continue before I bore myself too much with ranting. So yeah, just asking for some time and the occasional breather......

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